
Monday, 25 November 2013

Writing decisions, celebrating the achievement - and planning my e-book launch party.

Throughout all of my book writing experience, I have had to make decisions.
Taking creative writing classes, researching people whose critiques I would respect. Sending off the chapters for critique and implementing the changes advised - leaving my own ego at the door.

When my novel, 'All in the Leaves' was finished, the choices then were submit to agents or self publish. The honest answer as to why self publishing swung it for me, was found on one of my searches into the question, traditional publishing or self publishing? In one of the posts I read, one man had chosen the traditional route. He received an advance, his book was published and within months was pulped because it didn't sell enough copies. He has lost his dream. I couldn't bear that, so decided to remain in control of my dream.

When you traditionally publish, if you're lucky, you get to have a publisher backed launch party. Champagne and nibbles, you know the thing.
So what do you do for an e-book launch party? Should you even have one?

Actually, yes, you should! It's a huge achievement to finish a book, to get it polished, edited, proofread and to source a wonderful cover. A huge achievement. There is so much work involved, until you do it, you never realise. So, celebrate what you've done. Here now, is how I planned my launch party for my published book.

Firstly I had to consider a venue.
Because my book was due for release mid to late November, I decided to hold the party at my home. The end of November is my birthday also, you see.

The next question to consider was what type of party. Given that 'All in the Leaves' centres around a tea leaf reading, I decided an afternoon 'tea and cake' party was the way to go.

Invitations were sent to my writing friends, my early reader supporters, clients from my reflexology practise, my painting friends, colleagues from OH's work and finally to my neighbours. Sixty invitations went out, with the majority being accepted in advance. 
It was important to me to invite more than just writing friends, because I wanted to reach people who might possibly read my novel!

Now, as those of you with children will understand, no party is complete without a goody bag to take home. So I decided to plan a goody bag, themed around 'tea' .
Then, one of those wonderful things happened which gives you a warm glow inside. I had invited a friend who owns Sparkling Jewellery - and when I told her that there would be a little goody bag too, she very kindly offered to provide some goodies!

 Here you can see the kind of things that I included in the bag, to make it a little treasure for those who were invited.

Firstly a thank you note:

You'll see that I mention that the invitees will get a free limited edition print of one of my paintings. I've actually chosen six paintings to print, each person will have one print (limited edition of 10) in their bag:

and a discount off a reflexology treatment booked with me.
The reason I've done this is to create a 'feel good' factor.
Everything about my book was done with enjoyment in mind; we paced ourselves to have no stress in the production - and I wanted this 'feel good' to continue into the party. Positive vibes are important to me.

I also included this folding leaflet, which describes the book. The cover on the outside, the blurb on the inside and a place for me to sign! I can't sign a kindle, iPad or Kobo, so this is the next best thing. (I know you can add an electronic signature, but this felt nicer.) The back outer shows where to buy the book.

Last, but not least, are the items within the little gauze bag: tea, chocolates, biscuits, a piece of jewellery and a jewellery discount voucher.

The timing for the tea party was set over a four hour period, in keeping with enjoyment and being casual, people were told to drop in and drop out as they fancy.

I hope if any of my writer friends read this, that it inspires you to mark your achievement, whether you choose a book launch party or not, do something to say : YES! I did it!

I did. My next post will show some pics of the party. A fun time. Just like the whole book experience. If you buy and read my book, thank you. If you haven't yet - here's the link to where you can find it. All in the Leaves

Friday, 15 November 2013

All in the Leaves is OUT for sale!

Here we are, All in the Leaves is out for sale.

The first store to list it is Apple's iTunes! Well done Apple :)

and this is the link!


as soon as it appears in Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony, Waterstones - I will let you know!

STOP PRESS! Now on Amazon UK and Amazon US .. direct links on my website
The live links will be added there, so please, keep checking!

 All in the Leaves
A tea-leaf reading.
A prediction of a fabulous life to come.
Can your future really be told in a cup?

Anna is feeling down in the dumps. She's nearly thirty, painfully shy and has no boyfriend. She's still living at home and has a boring job. Can this really be all there is?

A chance bout of tears leads to a tea leaf reading which predicts a wonderful future for her.
A future which promises a new career, a new home and a husband. All by the following Christmas.

Join Anna as opportunities arise, calamity strikes and the battle for happiness begins.

All in the Leaves Launch Party

My novel 'All in the Leaves' has been distributed to all the ebook stores, by the fabulous ebook partnership. Now it is a matter of waiting for catalogues to be updated and show the book for sale!

I've been told that this can take anywhere up to 4 weeks.
Some places are quicker than others. As soon as I see it in an online store, I will post the links here. If you see it before I do, please send me a note!

To celebrate the fact that 'All in the Leaves' will soon be out, I decided to have a book launch party.
Because the book deals with a tea leaf reading, it will be an afternoon tea party.
With cake. Lots of cake. Biscuits and crisps too.

I'm truly blessed that a good friend at Sparkling Jewellery has given me some goody bags for all attendees. There will be a piece of jewellery, discount vouchers and more!
She's also donated a two coin necklace to help raise some funds for Battersea Dogs Home on the day .

When I know more about the book, it'll be on here - and when we have the party at the end of November, I'll take some pictures to share.

  All in the Leaves

A tea-leaf reading.
A prediction of a fabulous life to come.
Can your future really be told in a cup?

Anna is feeling down in the dumps. She's nearly thirty, painfully shy and has no boyfriend. She's still living at home and has a boring job. Can this really be all there is?

A chance bout of tears leads to a tea leaf reading which predicts a wonderful future for her.
A future which promises a new career, a new home and a husband. All by the following Christmas.

Join Anna as opportunities arise, calamity strikes and the battle for happiness begins.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Moving the Goalposts

Back at Easter time, I sprained my ankle.
I went to the hospital, and had it x-rayed. Tendons and ligaments were torn, so I followed all the physio's advice on exercising, painkillers and walking.
Ankles are important, you see. They enable us to twist, turn, walk on uneven pavements. I wanted to make sure that I got it back to as near normal as it could be.

Firstly, I was told four weeks to mend. When I wasn't totally better, I went to see my doctor. Oh no, he said - Eight weeks to mend. Carry on with what you're doing. The goalposts moved.

So eight weeks passed and still my ankle isn't right. I went for a run and had to rest it for two days afterwards as the pain returned.
It swells after I walk for a mile or more. Not madly, just enough to know that it's painful and needs to be elevated.
I checked that too. Some ankle injuries take a year to totally rectify - and get this, some never do. Goalposts seem to have a mind of their own!

I'm not sure what's worse, being told a false expectation in the hope I won't take long to mend - or finding out that actually, it can take quite a while and my experience isn't unusual.

It seems that ankle injuries need massage as part of their rehab, too.
Well now, I can do that. The one thing I won't do though, is tell myself a time limit!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Dreams can come true!

Good morning friends.

Yesterday I saw my book cover on the website of the Ebook Partnership.
If you'd like to see it click HERE and watch the scrolling pictures.
I was so excited to see it up there, this dream of publishing a novel is coming true!

I was going out yesterday to meet up with some writer friends, which I did, after viewing the website. We had a hot drink and some nibbles and we talked - and talked!

We've decided to form a little writer's club. We'll meet once a month at mine, until we get too big for my house!
More dreams coming true and much excitement. We even discussed if I should have a book launch party  - a real one and a virtual one. The virtual one they thought could consist of me sitting here, live comments and me answering you back. It seems like a lovely idea - what do you think?