
Friday 30 August 2013

The new author returns!

Good morning friends!

Here I am, the new author, back to her blog.
It's been very exciting seeing my book in Kobo's store - and seeing something that you won't.
That something is the fact my book has sold in five different countries! Five!
I'm so delighted.

Yesterday I was a published author, today I am the laundry master!
Funny how life goes, isn't it. It's not all glamour.
Would we like a life of total glamour, I wonder?
I don't think I would, far too intrusive. You only need to read a newspaper to see how intrusive.
I'm happy to have a comfortable house, lovely garden where I can hang said laundry on the line, time to write my stories and paint my pictures.

The new book - which is a full length novel - should hopefully be published by the end of October, this year.
All that remains for me to say, is thank you for buying my book of short stories, I hope you enjoyed them.
If you didn't buy it yet - there's a link on the right. Click the picture :)


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